Since these aren't my recipes, I will send you to the websites where I got them instead of posting the recipes here (though I will probably add them here in a few weeks, because I've been burned before... sometimes links disappear and I lose the recipe forever! Saddest story ever told.)

Farmgirl Gourmet's Bourbon Balls
She uses vanilla wafers, but I subbed that for Biscoff cookies, because, ALWAYS SUB BISCOFF COOKIES WHEREVER YOU CAN. Love the heck outta those mofos. This required adding a few drops more of Bourbon. Darn the luck. These are fantastic... bourbony to be sure, they will warm your belly and soul. I found the eggnog melting chips at Micheal's craft store. If you can't find them, I bet white chocolate chips would be almost as good, or if you like butterscotch (I do not), try those.

Martha Stewart's Peanut Butter Pretzel Candy
Followed the recipe exactly. SO GOOD.
Previous Year of the Balls posts:
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