So I have this addiction. Tiny bottles of perfume! The ones pictured above are from Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab (BPAL) and Possets. I've been hooked on BPAL for a while now. Possets is a new discovery for me, and I love their stuff so far. Basically, these two companies sell oodles of different perfume oil blends, which you can get in sample form in these adorable little viles (BPAL refers to these samples as "imp's ears.")
Hours can be wasted perusing the sites and all the scents. The descriptions alone are enough to get you hooked! For instance, BPAL's description for their scent "Gluttony," which is from the Seven Deadly Sins collection, says: "Thick, sugared and bloated with sweetness. Dark chocolate, vanilla, buttercream, and hops with pralines, hazelnut, toffee and caramel." Yum! I like this one, smells too sweet right out of the bottle, but like most of these oils, it mellows and/or on the skin, and, on me, becomes almost like a sweet cigar smell. Another favorite is called "Jack", which is described thusly: "The scent of warm, glowing jack o’lanterns on a warm autumn night: true Halloween pumpkin, spiced with nutmeg, glowing peach and murky clove." Again, out of the bottle, this is crazy sweet and pumpkin-y...actually like a pumpkin that's been out on the porch a few days...but once on, it's more like pumpkin pie!
Possets, as I mentioned, I just discovered. They are a little cheaper than BPAL, and have less selection. But they still have lots to choose from, and some really tasty sounding foodie scents. Today I wore the one called "Gingerbread Whorehouse" about which the site says: "The Gingerbread WhorehouseThat gingerbread house from your childhood? Well the neighborhood has changed and now it sports a red light out front! Very foody, very sweet, very sexy, very grown up in a sex kitten way. This is European Gingerbread given an American Cajun jolt with the spices, cher! Mmmm. Unisex, sexy-sex, and wow. Oh, the sign outside does say,"Ho Ho Ho House". Heh. You might end up with a whole new reputation." How can I resist?!?! I love the smell, too. I also bought it's partner, "Gingerbread Crackhouse." Ha!I can't say enough about these Posset scents, but I won't go on forever...just one more..."The Girls Love Limeys!"--Midsummer's really and truly beautiful pairing of honey and lime and secret ingredients, just like bees make. It is a real beauty again. Tart and sweet at the same time, a tiny bit spicy and full of life. And, Yes, the word "limeys" is doing double duty! I tried this one last night and it's so neat! Honey and Lime...I mean come on! Oh, also? Possets is FAST. I ordered 2 sets of samples on a Friday afternoon, and they had mailed them on Saturday! BPAL is a little unreliable as far as getting orders out in a timely fashion...
Apparently food scents have become more and more popular in recent years for perfume. I'm certainly all for this trend...though I'm not crazy about those sweet fruity scents that made Bath & Body Works the success it is...those grow old for me. I seem to be drawn to the smells of baked goods...
For hardcore foodies, Demeter has all sorts of food perfumes. From the downright delicious, such as basil, angelfood and waffles, to some redonkulous scents...beet root? mushrooms? rye bread? sushi? Yup, they are for real. I am intrigued by the "fiery curry," though. That seems like it could be sex in a bottle, no?
So there you have it...I've admitted to an addiction. Apparently I have to be drowning in food at all times. If I'm not eating or cooking it, I have to be reading about it or SMELLING it.
Do any of you have a favorite food-based scent? What food smells would you like to see captured in a bottle?
1 comment:
Wow! I love the idea of lime scented perfume. How about also cilantro and juniper, but not together. Not like a cilantro martini or anything.
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