Everybody's doin' it! So I had to try it, too. Fiddlehead Ferns! A springtime delicacy. Little baby ferns, all curled up in their fern fetal position. I've seen them all over the blogs, including local friends, but never at the store. But I finally got my hands on some this week! Yay!

Since it was my first time ever trying them, I kept it simple...blanching them in salted water then sauteƩing them in butter.

They were good! Very much a spring flavor...green and planty and fresh. And oh so cute! We had them with some salmon that Jack grilled up with some lemon butter. Mmmmm...crispy buttery salmon skin....
Hey Stef, where did you find them?
butterscott found them for me at the Woodsmill Schnucks. They weren't loose, rather pre-packaged. $3.99, and I think it was a 1 lb. bag...
Whole Foods had them a week or so ago, too!
Great first pic, Stef!!
They look great! Salmon is a perfect accompaniment for the ferns! Don't forget to bill for advertising;).
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